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Class Guidelines


Dance may at times be strenuous aerobically and demand body flexibility and strength. Flexibility and strength take a long time to develop. Please remember to practice carefully and be cautious at all times. Each dancer must take responsibility for his or her own body. Only attempt to do what your body is capable of doing. If it is necessary for a student to consult his or her physician before starting this dance program please do so,


Dance requires repetition and regular practice. This class will teach posture and body awareness to help promote safe dance techniques. A gradual warm-up for flexibility, strength and endurance and a stretching cool down that will relax muscles that have been worked will be demonstrated. After contracting muscles, stretch them out to restore good circulation and length.


Always listen to your body. There is a big difference between the sensation of exercise and the pain of injury. If you experience any pain, back off (examples of ways to modify your movements - make movements smaller or slower; decrease the stretch, weight load, tempo and/or the number of repetitions; or stop altogether when necessary).


Dress appropriately for a dance class - clothing in which you can bend, twist, reach, stretch and swing with ease. Absolutely no jeans for class as they are usually too tight and hinder movement. Heavy seams, zippers and grommets (and usually the denim) do not stretch and can often hurt when rolled on. Specific dance styles may have specific needs (to be determined later). What Not to Wear to Dance Class Photos show some good examples for class.


Follow all written and verbal instructions carefully. If you do not understand a direction or procedure, ask the teacher for help before proceeding.


Put away all equipment you used during class in its correct location.

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